I’ve been noticing there’s more

It’s evidence

I thought I got rid of it

But we remain here and I see it now

Around the edges


Rapid lines that lead

Before being scattered towards the edges 

The unravelling of words

Into the single plane 

That divides our space


I saw light dancing in the air

Bouncing in movement

A presence still, observing

Before it left its state

To become the dead


On the ground

Into the corners it rolls

Sometimes I think I see spiders

But it’s free-flow tumbler of bodies

Sweep us away


Suck it up

“what’s the time”

She says 

Over and over.

It just keeps building


Time in solid form, the evidence

That we were


The empty space 

I think of it


Or, I thought of it

As the absence 

But now I see us all over this place.

The more we are here 

The more it gathers


Lost time. Time gone.

Quietly knitted 

Why is it always grey?

We are graphite

Discarded in movement

Particles together

Non-linear, huddled



Watch the time





the day he left